- Magnetic properties of supported nanoparticles, Norbert Zicher, supervisor Dr Francesca Baletto, King’s College London
- Water Networks in Drug-Target Binding, Marley Samways supervisor Professor Jonathan Essex, University of Southampton, industrial supervisor Richard Taylor, UCB
- Towards the design of Hybrid Polymer Lipid nanoparticles: Impact of triblock copolymers on mechanical, structural and dynamic properties of lipid bilayers under stress, Matthew Davies, supervisor Dr Paola Carbone, University of Manchester
- Maximising the impact of the new “Python-ChemShell” software package, Joe Jackson-Masters, supervisor Dr Andrew Logsdail, University of Cardiff
- Design of CeO2 Nanostructures with Enhanced Catalytic Properties, Robert Caygill, supervisor Dr Marco Molinari, University of Huddersfield
- Molecular Dynamcis Simulations of Polymer Properties near a Surface supervisor, Jordan Cree, Dr Karen Johnston, Strathclyde University Glasgow
- Monte Carlo Simulation using DL_MONTE for Undergraduates, Chris King, supervisor Dr James Grant, University of Bath
- Development of DL_MESO Demonstrator, Meredith Ellis, supervisor Professor Ian Halliday, Sheffield Hallam University