The CCP5 Annual General Meeting to celebrate the research of our members and offers an excellent networking opportunity for early career researchers. The conference aims to showcase talks from the modelling community with new members and PhD students particularly encouraged to submit talks and posters.
This is year AGM will take place between 11-13 September 2023 at University of Warwick, More details and registration.
Past Meetings:
- 2024: AGM44 University of Sheffield, 4-6 September 2024,
organisers: Dr Colin Freeman (University of Sheffield), Prof Paola Carbone(University of Manchester), Alin Elena(Daresbury Laboratory) - 2023: AGM43 University of Warwick, 11-13 September 2023,
organisers: Prof David Quigley(University of Warwick), Alin Elena (Daresbury Laboratory) - 2022: AGM42 University of Huddersfield, 5-7 September 2022
organisers: Dr Marco Molinari and Dr David Cooke (University of Huddersfield), Alin Elena (Daresbury Laboratory) - 2021: AGM41: Part of the MMHub++ conference
Part of Organising committee from CCP5: Prof. Paola Carbone (University of Manchester) and Dr Alin M Elena (Daresbury Laboratory) - 2020: AGM40, online due to COVID
Organisers: Dr Marco Molinari (University of Huddersfield) and Dr Alin M Elena(Daresbury Laboratory) - 2019: Advances in Simulations and Theory of Matter
Organisers: Prof Scott Woodley (UCL), Prof Kostya Trachenko (QMUL) and Dr Alin M Elena (Daresbury Laboratory) - 2018: Advances in Simulations and Theory of Soft Matter Systems. Facing the Challenges.
Organisers: Dr Alessandro Patti and Dr Flor Siperstein (University of Manchester) - 2017: Materials Modelling: Simulation Meets Experiment
Organiser: Dr Karen Johnston (University of Strathclyde) - 2016: Condensed Phase Simulations and Industry Day
Organiser: Dr J Purton (STFC) - 2015: CONDENSED PHASE SIMULATIONS: Recent Advances in Theory and Applications
Organisers: Dr. A. Trewin (Lancaster) and Dr J Purton (STFC) - 2014: Recent Advances in Condensed Phase Simulations (Followed by the Industrial Day)
Organisers: Dr. D. Quigley (Warwick), Dr. C. Freeman (Sheffield), Prof. Andrew Masters (Manchester) and Dr. J. Purton (DL) - 2013: Recent Advances in Condensed Phase Simulations
Organiser: Dr. Maria Alfredsson (University of Kent) - 2012: Recent Advances in Condensed Phase Simulations
Organiser: Dr. David Cooke (University of Huddersfield) - 2011: Recent Advances in Condensed Phase Simulations
Organiser: Prof. Steve Parker (University of Bath) - 2010: Condensed Phase Simulation
Organiser: Prof Doug Cleaver (Sheffield Hallam University) - 2009: Structure Prediction of Clusters
Organiser: Dr Scott Woodley (University College London) - 2008: Surface and Interfaces
Organisers: Dr Fernando Bresme (Imperial College), Dr Dorothy Duffy (London Centre for Nanotechnology) and Dr Scott Woodley (University College London) - 2007: Multiscale Modelling
Organiser: Dr James Elliott (Cambridge University) - 2005: Computational techniques and applications for materials modelling
Organiser: Dr Robert Jackson (Keele University) - 2004: New Perspectives in Modelling and Simulation: Theory and Applications
Location: University of Sheffield - 2002: Advances in simulations of molecules and materials
Organiser: Dr Mark Wilson (Durham University) - 2001: Liquids and Liquid Interfaces
Organiser: Dr P Mark Rodger (Warwick University) - 2000: Molecular Simulation in the 21st Century
Organising Committee: Prof David Heyes and Dr Sebastian Reich (Surrey University) - 1999: Simulation of Clusters and Interfaces
Organising Committee: Dr Roy Johnston (Birmingham University)and Dr John Harding