Call closes on September 1st, 2024
CECAM and the CCP5 fund a joint sandpit project to foster collaborative research, involving both academic and, when appropriate, also non-academic, and in particular industrial participants in the area of advanced simulation (including software developments) and artificial intelligence.
Preparatory meetings, short – possibly repeated – scientific visits and creation of infrastructure (e.g. repositories, Wikies…) to enable collaborative software development projects are among the activities eligible for funding. These activities are expected to have a tangible outcome, e.g. in the form of software or white papers, that should be specified in the application. All output is expected to respect the principles of open science and be made available in community repositories or archives.
Activities can take place over a period of 12 months after funding is assigned.
Interdisciplinarity and collaboration between researchers based in the UK and in other countries within the CECAM community are a requisite for these activities. In particular, the team of organizers will have to include researchers from at least one publicly funded UK Research Institution and one Research Institution based in continental Europe or Israel.
Note that only one project will be funded in this call. Please follow the indications on the submission forms as you prepare your proposal. Results will be announced by end of September 2024.
1 grant EP/V028537/1 “CCP5++: Integrating Computer Simulation of Condensed Phases with experiments and data science”
Current holders: Xiaocheng Shang (University of Birmingham) and Gabriel Stoltz(Ecole des Ponts, France)
Previous winners:
Nicodemo di Pasquale, Brunel University London, Lorenzo Rovigatti, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy