We look forward to welcoming you to Liverpool for the 45th CCP5 AGM and Conference to showcase and celebrate the latest research from the modelling community.
The conference will be held at the University of Liverpool, starting with lunch on Monday 8th September and finishing with lunch on Wednesday 10th September 2025. A special thanks go to our event sponsors CCP5, Royce Institute and the RSC Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Group.
We encourage all participants to submit talk and poster abstracts, particularly those that have not attended a previous CCP5 AGM.
The fee for the AGM is £200, which includes lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, refreshments throughout the meeting and dinner on Tuesday 9th September 2025. The fee does not include travel and accommodation. For PhD students who present a poster, a reduced fee of £100 applies.
more details and registration on https://agm45.ccp5.ac.uk