Every year, CCP5 actively promote various events for the benefit of the Community Members as well as other academics around the country. CCP5 sponsors regular workshops and meetings on important current topics, as well as organising its own meetings. There is also a programme of support for foreign visitors, involving visits to reasearch groups around the country to foster international links. We also fund pump-priming collaborative projects between different UK based groups on CCP5 related topics. If you wish to apply for funding from CCP5-related activities. Please click on the appropriate links below. Submit a proposal for:
- workshops – opened all year around
- visitors – open all year around
- International Exchange Bursary – call is open.
- Industrial Placements Bursary – call is open.
- CECAM/CCP5 sandpits – call closed.
- Summer bursaries for undergraduate students (UK only) – call is open.